Singing Guide: Pink feat. Chris Stapleton

Singing Guide: Pink feat. Chris Stapleton

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Pink and Chris Stapleton are two of the most powerful voices in the music industry, so it’s no surprise that their collaboration on "Love Me Anyway" was a hit. Pink has an impressive vocal range and has incorporated a variety of techniques into her performances. Chris Stapleton, on the other hand, has a distinctive country twang and an impressive ability to convey emotion through his voice. So, if you want to learn how to sing like Pink feat. Chris Stapleton, here are some tips and resources to help you:

Voice Type

Firstly, it’s important to understand your voice type. You can take Singing Carrots’ vocal range test to get started. It will tell you what your vocal range is and compare it with the range of famous singers. Knowing your voice type will help you understand what you’re capable of and what kind of songs may suit you best.

Breathing Basics and Breath Support

Good breathing is crucial for singing, and Singing Carrots offers two great articles on breathing basics:

These articles will teach you how to breathe deeply and properly support your singing voice. Good breathing technique is essential to achieve the powerful, sustained notes that Pink and Chris Stapleton are renowned for.

Singing with Emotion

Pink and Chris Stapleton both have a great ability to convey emotion through their voices. Singing with emotion is a skill and requires practice. Singing Carrots’ article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking offers good advice on how to develop this skill.

Open Mouth and Throat

Open Mouth and throat techniques can help you improve your sound quality and agility. Read this Singing Carrots article to get started:

Vocal Registers and Breaks

Vocal registers and breaks can be tricky, but understanding them will help you sing more control and flexibility. Check out this Singing Carrots article that explains the different registers and how to transition between them:

Vibrato and Articulation

Pink has a signature vibrato, and good articulation skills are key to singing clearly. Singing Carrots offers articles on both of these topics:

Songbook and Search

If you want to learn Pink and Chris Stapleton songs, Singing Carrots has a search feature that helps find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference. You can search the song-book to discover the sheet, chords, lyrics, and karaoke of Love Me Anyway and other popular songs:

Chris Stapleton Twang

If you want to learn to sing with a country twang like Chris Stapleton, there is a Singing Carrots video exercise:

Progress Statistics and Singing Course

Singing Carrots offers tools to monitor your progress, such as the vocal pitch monitor and progress statistics. These will help you see how much you’ve improved over time. If you want to invest more in your singing education, Singing Carrots has a 21-lesson vocal course:

So, to learn how to sing like Pink feat. Chris Stapleton, start with Singing Carrots' vocal range test. Learn good breathing technique, try techniques like open mouth and throat, and practice singing with emotion. Take advantage of the resources that Singing Carrots offers, such as song search and Twang video exercise. Focus on enjoying yourself while improving, and remember, it takes time and hard work to improve your voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.